

August 8, 2024 / 8min read

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• 3 mentions

Created August 8, 2024

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Like many things in life, blogging is easier said than done.


You might have a great concept for a post, but when it comes time to write it, it just doesn’t come out the way you want it. Or even worse, you get a nasty case of writer’s block and spend hours staring at a blank page with nothing to show.


If you’re having trouble getting the gears turning for your blog, then keep reading. This article will teach you everything you need to know about writing your next blog post and give a few insightful examples to encourage and inspire you.


Parts of a Blog Post Template

There are four main parts of every blog post template:


Blog Post Topic: A compelling title that draws readers in and lets them know the subject of your post.

Introduction: The introduction aims to give a general overview of the post’s content and prompt visitors to read further.

Body Content: The body content is the meat and potatoes of the blog post. Content should be as in-depth as possible and consist of high-quality content, keywords, and headings.

Conclusion: The conclusion gives final thoughts, reiterates the main points, and includes a call to action.

Types of Blog Posts to Consider Writing

You’ll find that many blog posts on the internet fall into a certain category.


Since these formats are so popular, choosing one of these types may increase your Blog’s odds of being found.


General Informational Posts: posts that answer a question or provide information on a subject.

Ultimate Guides: posts that tell readers how to do something or explain how something works.

List Posts: listicles that categorize and organize related information in list format.

Review Posts: posts that review and analyze products, services, content, people, or others for their audience.

Best X for Y Posts: a post that provides solutions. X represents the solution, and Y is the problem.

Sponsored Posts: a post that another brand or company pays you to write and put on your site. Sometimes a form of guest posting.

Blog Post Examples to Check Out

If you’re stumped and aren’t quite sure where to start, here are a few excellent blog examples to go off of and take inspiration from: